Imagine outer space vampire that eats Ozone Layers or else
it becomes zombie.
Imagine it falls to Earth and falls in love with beautiful
geisha girl
Zombie is turning Japanese zombie really, really thinks so
Earth becomes life support for female zombie hungers for
Zombie later appears at Oscars to accept Academy Award.
Zombie later becomes busy producer in City of Angels.
Zombie America becomes big hit reality TV show.
Zombie becomes zombie of great wealth & taste
Then Japanese girl nagged for quality time.
Zombie ate her.
Like zombie eating Chinese, zombie hungry again hour later.
Zombie dances to I Can’t Get No Satisfaction sung by Devo
Zombie now takes nap and maybe dream of getting real life.
Zombie will bury zombies to rest from zombies!
Season Of The Witch sung by The Zombies
North Korea likes this
Zombies LOL